澳门新葡京博彩 ThinkBIG 技术实习生计划可以帮助您通过沃伦卡特和卡特彼勒的特殊要求培训来迎接挑战®.
沃伦·卡特与俄克拉荷马州立大学奥克穆尔吉理工学院合作, OK -已经发展 ThinkBIG, 一个两年制的合作性大学技术人员教育项目,可获得应用科学副学士学位. 接受俄勒冈州立大学IT项目的学生有机会用他们的头脑和双手在卡特彼勒设计和制造的最先进、最强大的机器上工作, the world’s leading manufacturer of power systems and construction equipment.
This two-year college 程序 combines classroom and hands-on learning, 教授学生如何澳门新葡京博彩先进的诊断和维护系统维修柴油重型设备, advanced technologies and high-tech tools. No more sitting in class wondering if what you’re learning is relevant; you’ll use everything you learn and you’ll know why it’s important. 学生们将花一半的时间在校园里接受技术指导,而其余的时间则通过一个虚拟现实的培训中心进行实际的培训 带薪实习 在沃伦·卡特经销店.
的目的 ThinkBIG 项目旨在提升华伦CAT新入职技术员的专业技术能力. Students are trained to analytically diagnose, service and maintain 猫 products using recommended procedures, special tools and service information.
课程内容使成功的毕业生能够在获得额外经验后晋升为重型设备技术人员,并在介绍新系统和组件时了解它们. 那些完成该计划的人成为一个团队的一部分,帮助完成我们世界上重要的工作,如能源生产, major building projects as well as road, highway and infrastructure construction.
被录取的学生 ThinkBIG 技术实习生计划不仅有机会在来自世界领先的重型设备制造商的设备上工作, 但该项目还为参与者提供了一些额外的教育和经济利益,包括:
- 由具有丰富实际经验和当前行业最佳实践和标准知识的专家讲师进行教学
- Tuition reimbursement (80% over four years)
- In-state tuition rate and financial aid
- 提供项目期间的工具箱和工具(6500美元),两年后完全归员工所有
- GPA绩效工资
- Pay rate increase each semester during the 程序
- Accredited by the Associated 设备 Distributors (AED)
的 ThinkBIG Intern 程序 also includes a four year post-graduate commitment. 新葡京博彩官网 takes the hiring process seriously. Not only do we make sure you are right for this 程序, you need to make sure this 程序 is right for you. 作为沃伦CAT的技术员, you’ll work on some of the biggest, hardest-working machines in the world. 作为一名毕业生 ThinkBIG 程序, 你会成为一个高技能的, 经过技术培训, in-demand member of the worldwide 猫 dealer family. 如果你有正确的态度, 职业道德和技能, it’s time you consider your career options with 新葡京博彩官网.
For more information about the 新葡京博彩官网 ThinkBIG 实习生计划, visit the 俄勒冈州立大学理工学院 website at osuit.edu. For general 程序 questions, contact us at techintern@vailgolf.net.
ThinkBIG Internship Frequently Asked Questions
Program training consists of two parts:
- 俄克拉何马州立大学理工学院的分门课程培训, 由课堂教学和实践课程组成,持续大约两年.
- A 新葡京博彩官网 带薪实习 where you put your education to work. This is one of the most important elements of the 程序. 目前赞助学生的沃伦CAT分支机构位于德克萨斯州西部和俄克拉荷马州.
Where Will I Live While I Complete 的 Program?
在参加项目期间, the sponsoring colleges will offer (at a cost) on-site, campus housing for students attending classes. While performing your internship responsibilities, you will be working as close as possible to your hometown.
What Will I Do During My Internship?
实习期间, you will work directly with machines and trained technicians, and learn how it feels to be a valuable member of the 新葡京博彩官网 family. You will work with mentors in all areas of the dealership main shop. Students work while classes are not in session. 这包括在学期和假期可以获得的额外工作时间和收入.
What Tooling Do I Need To Acquire?
我们要确保你有必要的工具是一个成功的沃伦CAT技术员. 一套工具是在学院现场提供的,在项目开始时在商店. Upon graduation and after an offer of full-time employment is made, 沃伦CAT工具津贴计划可用于协助购买所需的工具就业.
What Are 的 Requirements For Admission Into 的 Program?
的 requirements for admission are as follows:
- 最低绩点2.5
- Pass basic mechanical aptitude testing
- Have earned or will earn a high school diploma or equivalent
- Be 18 years of age or older by the time of your first internship
- Be able to meet college admission requirements, 其中包括分班测试和沃伦CAT的申请和面试过程
- Pass a drug screening and physical
You must be accepted by both 新葡京博彩官网 and OSU IT to participate.
新葡京博彩官网将根据你就读的大学支付部分学费. 您还将获得在赞助分支机构工作的所有小时工资. 实习期间有机会赚到足够的钱来支付与项目相关的许多费用, 包括生活费.
After applying for Financial Aid through your sponsoring college, 新葡京博彩官网 will provide tuition assistance in your name. 付款将直接以你的名义支付给学校,并要求你保持2分.5平均绩点.
What Is 的 Student Selection Process?
希望成为沃伦CAT技术员实习计划成员的学生应在春季学期(1月至3月)早期提出申请。, 如果可能的话. This allows time for processing financial aid packages, identification of preparatory class needs, 赞助收购, 等.
的 application process includes the following:
- Completed resume and/or contact information emailed to techintern@vailgolf.net
- 已完成的大学入学申请(请访问赞助学院网站查看表格和详细信息)*
- Completed student assessment process; includes placement testing (SAT)
- Completion of preparatory class needs prior to 程序 start
- Signed and returned Release of Information Form
- 成功完成录取程序的学生将接受新葡京博彩官网的面试和机械能力倾向测试. Interviews and testing are conducted at a local 新葡京博彩官网 location.
在被赞助大学录取并通过沃伦CAT面试和就业前测试要求后, the student will be formally admitted.
*注意:俄勒冈州立大学IT要求所有学生由经销商赞助参加 ThinkBIG 实习生计划.
Who Do I Contact For 更多的信息?
欲了解更多有关沃伦CAT技术人员实习计划的信息,请访问俄勒冈州立大学IT网站. For general 程序 questions, email techintern@vailgolf.net.